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Esoteric Japanese shaman medication can fight diseases. Heal your body and soul with Japanese onsen therapy. 

Since ancient times the Japanese have recognized the benefits of hot springs for treating many kinds of illnesses and injuries. 


“Onsen therapy has various medical effects,” says Yuko Agishi, a 71-year-old physician and honorary professor at Hokkaido University. “It is a type of alternative or complementary medicine, not directly curing the cause of the disease but treating the body as a whole; assisting in recuperation, rehabilitation and disease prevention.” These medical benefits have given onsen a central role in balneotherapy, which is a comprehensive bathing treatment conducted to maintain health, normalize dysfunctions and prevent illness. Generally, the elements in this therapy are Onsen, gases and climatic and geographical factors.

Japan is a county rich in hot springs with medical effects

Medical-treatment springs (for bathing) can mitigate the affects of neuralgia, muscular pain, arthritic pain, frozen shoulder, motor palsy, stiff joints, bruises, fractures, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids and oversensitivity to cold, as well as promote convalescence after illness, recovery from fatigue and overall promotion of health and wellness.


The table at left provides a guide based on  spring qualities. Note that the effects of hot springs are divided roughly into three effects: for the skin such as cuts, slashes, burns, chronic skin diseases; for blood flow and pressure such as arteriosclerosis and hypertension; and for the benefit of women with menstrual disorders and chronic women's diseases.

We lecture on correct use of Japanese balneotherapy   

Scientific effect

-Mineral quality




Nature fresh air  effects

Physical effects


-Water pressure



-Local food




The effect of the hot spring is not only determined by  chemical effects. For example, the phrase "change of air" infers getting away from the stresses of a hectic daily life, so even just by resting leisurely in a hot spring can make a positive impact on wellness. In addition, the physical effects of soaking in a hot spring (floating, exposure to the water pressure, warming of the body) also is good stimulus for the body. In this way, hot springs have a synergistic effect on health.


Balneotherapy with Exterme Hot Spring Water Bathing at 47℃ (Jikan-Yu)



This treatment is known for curing a wide range of conditions, and is especially good for atopic dermatitis. People travel from all over Japan to try it. The townsfolk are in on the secret and are more than happy to share it with visitors.

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